Darci Billmire, MS


Darci Billmire, MS
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Salt Lake City, UT
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Ms. Darci Billmire received her BS in Mechanical Engineering from Brigham Young University. In her undergrad experience she developed a love for problem solving and for the field of biomechanics and biomedical engineering. She completed a two year internship with BD Medical’s R&D department during her undergrad experience that helped her gain a passion for research that led her to pursuing a Masters degree.

Ms. Billmire followed up her undergraduate career with gaining her Masters degree from Brigham Young University where her research was centered around the pursuit of helping people with lower back pain. She was involved on a project that is developing a device to be used as a phenotyping tool on chronic lower back pain patients. Her person research involved upgrading the design of the device and using it to detect endurance muscle fatigue with the help of machine learning tools.

Ms. Billmire is starting out her forensic biomechanics career in the Salt Lake City office where she will aid in accident reconstruction and biomechanics analyses. She is excited to start her own career path to one day becoming a testifier and a useful resource for the Explico team to continue to pursue their goal of elevating the profession while maintaining the highest level of integrity and ethics.

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