Steve Arndt, PhD, CHFP

Principal Scientist

Steve Arndt, PhD, CHFP
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Chicago, IL
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Dr. Steve Arndt is a human factors scientist. Human factors is the scientific field of research dealing with the capabilities and limitations of people as they interact with systems made up of products, tools, technology, information, organizations, environments, and other people. He specializes in human perception, human performance, and ergonomics associated with industrial and occupational safety, consumer product design and use, as well as pedestrian and driver/operator behaviors and performance. Dr. Arndt is a consultant with substantial experience in the investigation and prevention of accidents and injuries related to consumer products, warning labels, instructions, training, industrial and occupational settings, and transportation related systems.

Dr. Arndt also investigates operator behavior, decision-making, perceptual capabilities and limitations associated with vehicle operation, and decision and motor control response times. Pedestrian and motor vehicle work has included the assessment of visibility and conspicuity of objects in low-light and low-visibility environments as well as driver distraction.

Steve Arndt, PhD, CHFP

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